Past meets present at Dunfermline’s new arts festival: #iamoutwith

The old home town was not looking the same when I arrived at Dunfermline Bus Station (why do they keep moving it?)  last Saturday morning for the second  Outwith Festival. ‘Reminds me of the Gala Day,‘ said my old school friend Marilyn when we eventually caught up with each other, and yes, there was that buzz … Continue reading Past meets present at Dunfermline’s new arts festival: #iamoutwith


When Pygmygiant sent out an email asking for non-fiction submissions, I was quick off the mark, and lo! you can see the result here. It’s a piece I wrote a couple of years ago following a trip to my home town in Scotland. Looking at it now it feels a bit self-conscious and wordy, and … Continue reading Afterlife